Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

“I’m Walking On….the Edges, Whoa Oh!!!”
I’m walking on….the edges!
Remember that song “I’m Walking on Sunshine”? Did your mind go immediately to the chorus?
“ I’m walking on sunshine
(Whoa oh)!
I’m walking on sunshine
(Whoa oh)!
I’m walking on sunshine
(Whoa oh)!
And it’s startin’ to feel good!
All right now!
And it’s startin’ to feel good!
Oh yeah”!
Did I catch you doing a little head bob, or humming, or smiling? Well… “don’t it feel GOOD?”.
Ok so it totally makes me do all of the above! But my opening sentence… “I’m walking on…the edges” Makes me smile more now than it did when it first came to me!
It was a beautiful fall day in Indiana, one of those awesome days when the trees are showing off their breathtaking colors, the breeze is crisp but not too cool, the sun is peeking through white fluffy clouds and it smells like…the earth, woods, that “fall” smell! Even better than the incredible physical day is the wonderful friend I am with. I am so excited to introduce her to “The Springs” a quiet, restful and inspiring place. They have a beautiful chapel in the woods it’s truly Holy ground! And not so far from there a clearing opens up to reveal a prayer labyrinth. I had not really had any experience with a labyrinth, I just thought of it as a maze, to follow one continuous path…you go in at the starting point and come out at the designated end point, therefore completing your “journey!”
Oh, it’s SO much more than that…
Of course, my understanding at that time was not all together correct! I know… surprise there, huh?
The prayer labyrinth (as my wise friend Nancy explained) leads one to the center where you pause, (there was a small bench to rest and reflect) after your time of reflection you continue your walking prayer on the path to its exit point.
It sounds peaceful and soothing and enlightening but for ME… it fussed me up a bit! Nancy went first prayerfully, reflectively following the path to the center where she “rested”. I decided I could begin on the path… I began to notice the many leaves on the path, I could kinda see where she had walked, and I found myself not wanting to walk on her footsteps! I know… really??? Well, as I walked on the edges of the path, I sensed (in a strong and puzzling way) that my journey forward in this season of my life would be “on the edges”!
Now… I have to admit that really wasn’t what I was seeking, see I’d been looking for very specific direction. I thought I had the “formula” pretty much figured out… you know the one… A + B = C sort of thing! In order to get to the “Ta DA” “C” (which would be my purpose, – God’s will for my life!) I needed to be on track with those “A” and “B” things to equal “C”. Sounds logical in my brain!!! WELL….as I continued to feel led to walk on the “edges” of the path my understanding became a little clearer. My journey was/is going to be “unique”! Not a cookie cutter design like anyone else! So… I should just accept that understanding…be open to “different” ways of communicating God’s purpose through me. Be content to “walk on the edges” whatever that may look like. OK… to be truthful, this was NOT the message I wanted! I was a bit frustrated, confused, and now felt even more lost as to how to move forward. Of course God and I had a little “discussion” … well… more like I whined, and God “smiled” and I sensed very clearly the words “Trust Me!”. And YES I did trust God, but “hurry up already, so I know what I’m supposed to be doing!” This labyrinth experience was almost a year and a half ago now…and guess what!?
I’m finally understanding a bit more, I’m “Walking On The Edges” Whoa Oh!!!… creating “reminders” for others through hand twisted wire trees, rocks and an “encouragement” card!! (see past blog at armedwithumbrellas.com for the particulars!) “and it’s startin’ to feel GOOD! Oh Yeah!”
My point however is this: I thought my correct “path” would have been to model what others before me had done. If I do “A” plus “B” then “C” will be the end results! I’m thinking we are fairly quick to put God in a box and then “remind” Him how things work! Ok, so maybe that’s just ME!
Are you wondering what’s next for you? Could God be directing YOU to be patient, to “walk on the edges”, or to follow his path to the center of a labyrinth of today’s craziness and rest there a bit before continuing on?
I am more than convinced that when we inquire honestly, wait patiently, and listen intently we allow God to open new and sometimes unexpected paths for every one of us. In His timing! For me it’s the wait patiently part that can “fuss me up!” Sigh! Ah, but God knows me… and he knows YOU and in his instruction manual -the Bible there are many places where he reminds us that he has plans and a purpose for us! Great ones!! This is a truth I am holding close these days! Hold firm! Walk on the edges of your path, and may you “start to feel good! Oh yeah!!!” God’s got ya!