Following Faithfully Forward Workshop - January 2020

I am continually amazed at how God reveals Himself when I give Him space and time by stepping away from my “normal” everyday busy-ness. Stirring memories of the past year, pondering God’s perspective in those events and moving forward into my future days. A renewed sense of God’s purpose for myself and again those reminders of how much I am loved by the Creator of Our Universe!
I am continually in awe of the ways God “shows up” in the comings and goings of each day, week, and months, however I don’t always make the time to look back and remember! This year… I plan to become more mindful, to be accountable by participating in quarterly reviews with others who also desire to “stay on track”.
Arise Women's Retreat - February 2019

What a wonderful event! Great worship, deep biblical concepts and FUN!
My part… What Do You Know That You Know That You Know? I am ALWAYS excited when I am invited to share about how our perspectives and perceptions shape our understanding of WHO God is using key examples from 3 exceptional biblical characters and a few umbrellas!