Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

Winds of Change with “Rooted Rocks”
I am so excited to be including “Rooted Rocks” under my Umbrella!!!
Do you remember the beginning of the Movie “Mary Poppins”? When the “Captain” shoots off the cannon and declares that there is a change in the winds? Soon after Mary comes floating ever so gently (with her umbrella to guide her of course) into the scene? Well it seems that 2020 has in more ways than one “declared” winds of change blowing through! I won’t go into ALL the changes in the world that are in the “mix” at this moment, but for me these “winds of change” have created something intriguing that I now have the opportunity to share with you!
The creating of “Rooted Rocks” :
A couple of months back as I was wondering about this crazy year I realized I could use a visual reminder to help me understand that I am not alone on this journey of mine. When I adjust my focus to what my ‘roots’ are connected to I can move into tomorrow with peace and confidence.
Then I wondered if you could use a visual reminder too.
So, “Rooted Rocks’ began to take shape
It begins with the base…the rock!
Ah the rock…well, I can share with you the rock on which each tree is rooted is hand picked, it’s not a “load” of rocks piled in my yard…Each is unique, I am on the “lookout” wherever I go- watch for a “rock hunting” adventure story coming soon! A decision was made as to whether it is “worthy” to become a “Rooted Rock” or passed over!
The rock is the base of this piece of artwork. It’s the foundation!
As “Rooted Rocks” formed in the deep recesses of my (I’ll just say “unique” gray matter) It’s the reminder that the ROCK is where our faith journey begins. It represents a Creator who brought forth that rock, the air that you’re breathing right now and of course YOU!!
The Rock is the foundation on which our lives are rooted- it’s the choice we each make. It’s not a certain religion…it’s a relationship!!
Oh, there is so much more information about that choice!!
It’s a journey that never leaves us traveling by ourselves.
What is your understanding of a relationship with God? When I began wondering about what folks meant when they were talking about this relationship it was a bit confusing to me! What I thought I knew and what is were a bit tangled! Below is a great website with easy to understand verbiage and some music too. It’s a great place to begin!
Take a look at: Peacewithgod.net
The ROCK… In the bible there is a book named Matthew (more about the bible below!) in the 7th Chapter verse 24 talks about building our “house” on a firm foundation (like a rock) and it will withstand the “storms” of life that will come our way. It’s referring to God being that foundation. This has been a challenging time and I have struggled too…reminding myself that I need that solid foundation to keep me rooted has been very helpful.
Now, traveling upward from the rock is the twisted tree…this too is unique piece of work!
Each tree has between 25 and 40 feet of wire handcrafted, finger twisted and shaped.
The shapes I‘ve felt lead to create are the Windswept, Upright, and a Double Tree.
The Windswept symbolizes the ability to stay “rooted” when we are “blown” about through circumstances, surprises, and challenges.
The Upright demonstrates the strength we have being rooted to stand tall in all the moments that surround us.
The Double tree represents the blending of two individual trees into one rooted masterpiece. (This tree combination came together when I wanted to create something special for my parents 60th anniversary!)
YOU are the tree, with all your unique-ness…one of a kind…awesome-ness! When I twist a tree EVERY ONE of them comes out different! How cool is that!? I cut approx. 50 lengths of wire and begin to fashion your tree it’s a process that forever keeps me amazed! There are similarities between them but not one is exactly the same!
Once the tree twisting is finished the next piece created is the cross.
I have to say I thought it would be easier to twist the cross and place it in the tree than it is. It’s challenging to hold onto the separate small pieces of wire, twist them together to form the cross, then “place” it in the tree! It takes some “intentional maneuvering” to get this just right.
I am reminded that the Cross is worth the extra effort… and being able to see it amidst the branches is a vivid reminder of the sacrifice that was paid for you and I to be able to spend an eternity in the midst of our Creator!
I feel like I am leaving out some pretty big gaps when it comes to the Cross…hang in there…more info to follow…
Now the fun part, (well it all is really fun for me!), “placing” the tree on the rock! I so enjoy taking the rock and turning it this way and that to find its most level and “interesting” side. Next step is locating the perfect spot for the tree to be “connected” to the rock, Oh so many questions during this part… should the roots go over the edge? Should this side be the front, maybe that side…if I turn it this way?…, Oooo, there it is!
Then it’s glued, taped in place, and left overnight to completely dry—the ‘rest time” allows for a very secure “bonding” process.
Here’s what I am learning about the “bonding”… it takes some time!!
We live in a society that demands “instant” everything…sure, I’d like for the glue to set up immediately then I can get this Rooted Rock totally finished…But here is where the critical “pause” takes place…in order for the securing of the tree to The Rock they need to be in connection with one another. That “glue” is really represented as God’s word…the Bible. Now, I wasn’t raised with the Bible as my very own “guide book”… but guess what, if that resonates with you, it has never been easier to seek a deeper understanding of a God that Loves YOU and me so much that He sent his Son…to be the key to living each day in relationship with the Creator. Remember that cross? It’s the bridge between a Holy God, and little ol’ us!
Where do you land in your understanding and perception of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Is there a clear understanding in what you believe? Could you explain it to your neighbor? Is it something your were “born into”? Those questions were ones that would sure make me “squirm” a bit, and, as I ponder this I’m realizing that as intelligent, critical thinking people we need to do a bit more “wondering”…seek out information instead of just absorbing everything that we hear or see within the current media or other resources. Truthfully, I just want someone to TELL me what’s what… I get lazy about seeking truth, I was raised to believe when people say things it’s true! It makes me sad to realize that it is not necessarily the way things are these days! We are called to go deeper…and that requires some “work” on our part! But where to start???
I found a great resource, to simply and clearly answer some of my questions. They have wonderful easy to follow illustrations—I like pictures! So check out:
Thebibleproject.com – (there is a beginning video series that is wonderful-these are short and give a great overview plus SO much more information for anyone “wondering”!)
Ok, back to the “Rooted Rocks”,
When the morning comes…the tape is lifted, the tree now secure is “rooted”… each piece of root is turned into and onto the rock—My husband is the expert at this…how to maneuver the little pliers to grasp the roots and ever so gently curve them so they lay flat against the stone. I am learning from his technique…he has a calmness, and peaceful demeanor (that I secretly love to watch,) when he patiently goes from root to root placing them in just the right way.
Pretty much every root receives a “touch” of some sort.
Are you missing some “touch” points from others during these past months? I can say without a doubt that I am!!! Physically with family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, emotionally too! However, this is also a time of remembering whose “touch” I most need! One that no person is meant to fulfill…when I sit still…ask for guidance, understanding, peace,…that “touch” occurs…usually in unexpected ways, using circumstances, creation and others to express a “touch” that is guided by a God who really does love me (and you) BEST!!!
I know, all this is quite a lot for these simple “Rooted Rocks” to represent.
The true purpose of the “Rooted Rock” is to remind us when our roots are anchored on “The Rock”- in our Faith you have the most powerful foundation that exists to hold you firm, through whatever “winds of change” challenges us with, because we are never alone my friends!!
If you have an interest in a “Rooted Rock” of your very own or for a family member or friend. Please contact me at armedwithumbrellas@gmail.com for more purchasing information.
Under God’s Umbrella, rooted on The Rock!