Remember to Stop, Drop, and Roll!!Some days it just feels like I have so many…

Rooted Rocks…The Beginning…a Prequel
Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and faith with so many through wire twisted into trees and “rooted” onto a variety of rocks from various places?
I supposed it could seem like a random occurrence; however I can assure you it really wasn’t what I was looking for!
It began in the midst of the early covid months when there was so much uncertainty, fear, loneliness, and overwhelming information. It was challenging for me to not spiral into a sinking thought process which is where my brain was heading when I just put my frustrations “out there” in my quiet time of conversation with God.
It went something like this:
“God, Why does my head go to dark places when I KNOW YOU? When I feel like my faith should be enough to keep me from this type of frustration? I mean I DO know you’ve got all this mess in your hands. I DO believe with my whole heart in your power and love for every one of us! If I am rooted on the Rock, which is YOU, why am I fussing?”
What I sensed as God’s response was: “Exactly! When you are rooted on me; the Rock of your salvation, I’ve got YOU! I LOVE you more than anyone else possibly can! Rest in that understanding my child!”
“But…But…I do know this…and I believe this!! Perhaps a reminder is needed? I shouldn’t need a reminder, when I KNOW these things to be true, other people don’t seem to need reminders!! Once you KNOW these things to be true you shouldn’t need to keep being reminded!!”
“Please, open my Word… I have provided reminders to my people since the beginning of creation! You are not alone in benefiting from an occasional reminder. It doesn’t lessen my love for you- I am not capable of loving you less!”
“Oh…that’s right…”
Big pause here, the hamster starts tentatively walking on the hamster wheel in my brain…the scattered thoughts begin to create a bit more speed…
Hmmmm…, what would my reminder look like?
Well… many of you have seen the end results through some of the pictures I’ve posted in the past, so let’s just say I’m going to commit to sharing the “prequel” of Rooted Rocks!
And just so you know… even if you never need reminders…” When you choose to be rooted on the Rock in your faith you are seen, known, and loved no matter what craziness is going on around you, to you or even in you!
Stay tuned for upcoming “insights” about Rooted Rocks from my sometimes corny, but colorful; sometimes foggy, but always seeking; sometimes scattered, but not afraid to question; sometimes silly, but always genuine heart that God has created in me!
More soon!