Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

Summer transitions to Fall….so quickly!
Can you believe that summer has transitioned so quickly into Autumn?
How did your summer unfold? Mine was incredible, purposeful, invigorating, and sometimes exhausting, but it was good…very good!
This picture is of our final workshop held at Pawleys Plantation in Pawleys Island SC.
I learned much, prayed hard and stepped out in faith with an understanding that I am beginning a new work during this current season of life
The “Sizzling Summer Series” – a Four part, workshop series that was developed as a starting platform for Armed With Umbrellas, LLC, stretched me, and challenged me in many ways!
Creating this series was a very humbling step for me, because well…, when we start anything new, one of the first realizations that “shows up” is how much you don’t know. Those insecurities that filter into our thought processes can become paralyzing, and yet a stronger “this is what I am supposed to be doing” purpose emerges that creates a determination to forge ahead. However it is not one done alone! Having had a great team who worked behind the scenes not only logistically but providing sound advice, wonderful encouragement and availability for all those “little things” that come up when doing a new work have made this past summer so meaningful. We are created to be in relationship with each other and the relationships of those on my “team” are oh, so precious to me. (you know who you are!!!)
So, I have begun…this journey, what new adventures are you being “prompted” toward? They are out there for each of us. It may not be to start a new business, but to improve upon what you‘re involved in at this very moment in time. It may be calling a neighbor or friend to meet for a cup of coffee or tea to “catch up” on life. It may be to look for new places to volunteer (you DO have some “mad” skills that someone really needs, ya know!) It may be to try a new class of some sort-hey, I am signed up for a Fall wildflower and insect walk to learn about the environment of our area. I am trying to “practice” what I encourage others to do. Something I’ve learned growing up—“don’t expect others to do something you aren’t willing to do” thanks MOM!
Listening to and following the ‘still small voice’ of the one who loves you most and best is truly an act of obedience. I am just beginning a bible study called Discerning the Voice of God by Pricilla Shirer with a group of wonderful ladies. So I peeked ahead to “Day 1” my key understanding is that; are we willing to actually be obedient to what God is prompting us to do? Will we do it if it’s not what we really want to do but what we‘re being “called” to do? Ummm, when I pondered that question a bit my first reaction was “of course”, and then enters the thoughts with questions like “have I truly done this-no matter what the task?” here’s where the unsettling niggle enters, I want to say “well, most of the time”, or “a lot of the time” or “sometimes”, or “once in a while”, but truth be told, sigh “not enough of the times”, HOWEVER, as I continue to “ hear His voice” figuratively through circumstances, others or even audibly (that too is possible) I do WANT to be obedient to what is being asked of me. SO, FOR TODAY… I am obedient, I have wanted and needed to write about my summer for a while and been prompted to do it – git ‘er done…and TODAY I am obedient! You may not realize this about me, but I would like you to think that once it (my desire to be obedient) is a stated desire it will automatically be downloaded into my entire being as the main thought for each day going forward, however, it’s actually a daily choice. Remembering to live life on purpose, with purpose daily is our lifetime adventure. Those reminders are brought into our minds when we choose to spend time listening to the One who pursues us, and loves us beyond measure.
I encourage you to create that space and time in each day to “hear” what “obedient” looks like for you, just for today, and celebrate it!
And I am choosing to live my adventure UNDER God’s umbrella and ARMED With mine!!
If you are interested in the Sizzlin’ Summer Series descriptions please check out Armedwithumbrellas.com