Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

The Birth Of A “Reign”Drop
The Birth Of A “Reign”drop
A few months back…BC (Before Covid-19) in Oct . 2019! As I was visiting a sweet friend and she was showing me her soap business I wondered how soap and umbrellas could work together? As we chatted thoughts began to form… “Could you make soap in the shape of a raindrop?” However, a part of my brain was wondering…rain is on the OUTSIDE of umbrellas… if we are choosing to “do life” under God’s Umbrella, where we are then equipped with our own unique one, a microcosm of sorts is created …sun, wind, rain, etc.. The living of our one-of -a-kind life takes shape with all sorts of weather present during the seasons of our lives.
For today lets travel down the refreshing “rabbit trail” of rain.
I know…, there is no such thing as a “straight line of thinking in my brain processing! What came to mind was… ”Do we allow God to “reign” in our lives? Oooo… ‘reign”—rain— from THAT thought process the“REIGN”drop was born!
Well, we got excited about the idea of “Reign”drops! We talked about color, smell and size of each drop… my thought (at that time!) was I would like to package them in groups of 3 to hand out… 3 different colors to represent the Trinity…God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Also, they should have a nice clean “fresh rain scent!
So, we left our conversation with ideas bouncing around in our “grey matter. After I returned to my home (several states away!) She called me and said she had three beautiful colors that she could swirl together… blue, purple, and white into one raindrop! Hmmm, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!! She also found a great scent to use and a perfect size! WOW!!! Works for me!
We had a new ‘product” to share at an upcoming workshop I was presenting at.… “Reign”Drops!! NOW what really was I supposed to do with them? What was the purpose… the message of a “REIGN DROP”? Thankfully, I was able to push “pause” for a few weeks to have a chance ponder and pray!
The workshop date is getting closer and closer…the “Reign”drops have arrived, they are beautiful, and smell delightful…”Lord… how are they to be presented to those attending?” As I “settled in” for my quiet time…computer “at the ready” for , what was impressed upon me was to offer a guided handwashing! Allow each person to be reminded through the steps of washing their hands how the elements of water, and soap, along with the ‘action’ of scrubbing, and drying our hands can show how God interacts in our lives.
So we did…in the shipment of the raindrop shaped soaps were several bar shaped ones with “raindrops” throughout them, those were the soaps that we used for the actual handwashing. (Ok, wondering if your mind went to questions like, was this a safe procedure to participate in? Did they have a new piece of soap for each person? Were they 6 feet apart…–I find it very interesting that yes my mind “went there” too! Continue reading to see the details that were put in place…even before this coronovirus hit the scene!)
Here’s how it worked… We had 4 handwashing stations! All those participating were individually and thoughtfully guided by a leader through each step.
One at a time each person step up to a station.
1. Water from a pitcher was poured over hands, soap and scrubbie (you know, the netted fabric ball kinda shaped ones with a string?) The water represented the Living Water of Jesus freely given to us… (soap won’t work unless its mixed with water… well, dry bar soap wont!)
2. Using the “scrubbie”- (Everyone had their own to use and then throw away! Thank you Dollar General!) as a symbol of the Holy Spirit who lives in you to remind, counsel and teach each of us, create a lather. It takes water, soap and ACTION to create a lather! This ACTION represents the outward “manifestation” (what you can SEE!) the actual “workings” of the Holy Spirit, your actions as you live out your faith!
3. Rinsing away the lather with more water reminds us to release any hesitations, or fear, (the dirt of questionable decisions or guilt).
4. Drying your hands (everyone had their own paper towel)…a clean beginning, smoother skin, a lasting fresh fragrance that “stays awhile” as your reminder…that we serve a God that goes with us!!
5. The “Reign drop” was then placed into the open hands of the participant with the reminder to allow God to “Reign” in all areas of their life.
And also a benediction of sorts to go in His Peace and power with confidence toward the unique path we are each called to as we life our life under God’s Umbrella!
It seemed well received by both those leading and experiencing the handwashing.
It is now more that 6 months after those first “Reign”drop/handwashing ideas have been impressed upon my consciousness…what kinds of things have been brought to the forefront of our everyday living in a way we never have before…
Is this a coincidence that handwashing during this moment in time would become more than a casual action of protection and remembrance? This makes me wonder, smile, and just go “hmmm….”
Performing a 20 second thorough scrub with soap, rinsing, drying (ok, so I don’t hit the 20 second scrub every time…)
several times a day means we are standing still maybe more than in months past if only to clean our hands!
WHAT IF every time you washed your hands… you thought of those drops of water as“Reign”drops? You asked yourself does God “reign” in all areas of my life?
WHAT IF every time you lathered up (for the recommended 20 seconds of course!) you thought about how those bubbles are the physical manifestation of work God is doing in your life? Are your “suds” piled high and frothy or maybe a minimal bubbled wash?
WHAT IF every time you rinsed your foamy froth off, you allowed the soap to take away not only those nasty germs and viruses but also the doubt, fear, and past guilt that potentially plaques our actions or in-action?
WHAT IF as you dry your hands you notice the pleasing fresh scent that is left behind? This becomes the reminder that you are now ready -with everything clean – for whatever is next!
It’s your beginning of the next “project” you are heading into, whether that’s making supper, chatting with a friend, or looking for your quiet space!
WHAT IF as we begin to return to a “new normal” something as simple as washing our hands reminds us of a “Reign”drop!
Does God “REIGN” in your life?