Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

Unsettled, Ever Changing, Unclear…
Unsettled, Ever Changing, Unclear…
What does your brain feel like it LOOKS like right now?
My brain… if someone had to look at it through an umbrella it would probably be very similar to this brightly colored one I’ve named “Scrambled” from Nepal! (Now I didn’t get this one In Nepal-I found it in a shop nearby.) I loved the crazy colors and the varied designs on each panel, and I bought it as a representation of my “teenage years” for my Umbrella Timeline presentations. You know those years when life seems a bit unsettled, ever changing and with unclear future directions.
Well… a bit of time has passed since those years…however with the dawning of each day during these past few weeks, those same “wonderings” have pushed themselves to the forefront in my thought processing.
Unsettled, ever changing and unclear future directions…
What was “normal” a short month ago does not even seem close today. Sigh… ALL the changes, ALL the information, ALL the uncertainty…BLAAAAA….. it’s time to take stock in what you KNOW to be true, this is where the true “untangling” can take place amidst all the chaos and fear.
So… I am asking myself… ”what do I know, that I know, that I know”? Now, when you say this (out loud in your head!) put a stronger emphasis on the word “KNOW” and repeat it a few times. What are you noticing?
I have found that listing a few of my “KNOW-ING” declarations and then doing a bit of investigating to make sure that what I say I KNOW, is a Biblical truth not my own idea is a great exercise to help clarify my understanding and God’s truth!.
1st. I know that; God is in control Psalms 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
THAT’S great to remember…God is God and I am NOT! Nothing surprises Him even when I think I HAVE to have control over everything and it just doesn’t work for me…ha!
2nd. I know that; God’s ways are not mine. Isaiah 55:8, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
Well, that’s a very GOOD thing too…there are many things I don’t understand and of course would have done a different way- better to trust in someone with a better view of the WHOLE picture then my short sighted one!
3rd. I know that; I was created for such a time as this. Psalm 139:16, Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. AND Ephesians 2:10, For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God has prepared in advance for us to do.
With the gifts that God has blessed me with am I willing to think outside MY box to consider what my role is during this time?
4th., I know that; This too shall pass. Ecclesiastes 3:1, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
This IS a season, it could be a looonger one -it’s already longer than I first thought it would be, or a short one (my choice!). It could affect us as a fleeting memory or a forever life changing experience. Time will tell!
*Now there were many other verses that could have applied to my “know-ings”. These were the ones I chose to represent my understanding and intentions for this day.
Well… that was actually helpful!
Nothing has really changed since I began writing down these brain wonderings. Things are still unsettled, ever changing, and there are unclear future directions.
and YET…
My “KNOWING” has been strengthened, reconfirmed, and validated and that feels good! It keeps my anxiety in check!
Now I can look at Scrambled and see a creatively, and lovingly crafted umbrella. I see brilliant colors and bold designs. I see there is a plan…everything came together to become this one of a kind, unique umbrella! Hmmmm…kinda like you and me!
I’d like to encourage you to take a few minutes to write down a few of those ideas that you KNOW. Research it’s meaning, (I used online search engines and phrases) pay attention as to how biblical referencing can clarify your understanding. This doesn’t have to take a long time but it will improve your focus, your peace and perspective. It may also lower your anxiety! (If you have any of course!)
Under His Umbrella, and the beautiful Scrambled!
Blessings all,