Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
This is a question that is asked of each of us from a very early age. I smile when I hear it asked of little ones… and I believe God smiles also when that question is asked! “If you only knew what I have planned for you!” I think back on my earlier years…what DID I want to be? I had several very different dreams and ideas! Because really, how do you know? We are uniquely “wired”, and what sounds good today may be different next week, or next year!
Sometimes I think we work WAY too hard to be something! Our whole existence becomes tied up in that ONE thing, and then all of a sudden life happens, and it’s not how you planned it! Many years ago I went through a bible study by Henry Blackaby called Experiencing God. It was a very eye opening study and for me a major takeaway was the thought that God doesn’t say “Ta..Da”… until he ushers us to our “room” in His mansion!”
Often our desire for that “Ta Da” moment becomes a major focus of our days. What am I supposed to be when I “grow up”? How did you know what you were going to be? What was that revelation that “Ta Da” moment when you KNEW? How did you proceed once you knew? If you were one of the lucky ones where your purpose and direction was made very clear, you had a head start on fulfilling that purpose. However “Ta Da” is not the end all be all here on earth, it is a moment in time, a season, a career! There is so much more ahead and when we choose to look for other possibilities we can often be surprised at what we find! So we can rest in the idea that our final “Ta Da” will be the absolute best!
We don’t often consider that we can be used as something for a “season”, whether that’s as a parent raising children, professional athlete, or astronaut and then possibly be used in another way! Our identity gets so wrapped up in those “Ta Da” seasons that we sometimes fail to consider what could be next? Then, there we are smack dab in the middle of “ummmm now what”?
Fear not, I have come to bring you glad tidings of your…potential! God wants to use you! I know, when I ponder being used that’s not always a positive memory. Thinking back, there have been a few times I did feel used in situations that were not intended for my good! I I wonder if you have a time or two that comes to mind…, have you ever felt used?
Well it’s a whole different story when we look at our lives through the lenses of how God desires to use us! You were actually created to be used for your entire life! So, now you are in a “new place or space”, that can mean in your career, in retirement or anywhere in between!
The main thing required to achieve this is to have the desire to be used of God…He will not move into those spaces where you do not desire Him to be. Your most powerful days are ahead when you desire what God desires for you! If you are not there yet (to desire what God desires for you) remember that as we walk with Him under His “umbrella” He is the one who Loves you like no one on earth can. He has the BEST plans for you through every season of your life. Desire His best for you and you may discover what you will be when you “grow up”, for this season of your life, anyways!
Walking under God’s umbrella is where that all begins. We have just begun the journey with this topic, and I am praying for YOU to desire to be used!
As for myself I am choosing to stay…Under His Umbrella, desiring to be used!