Who knew that a “conversation” with God would lead to sharing my frustrations, hope and…

What Is The Connection?
“What’s The Connection?”
“Mom, How do your “Rooted Rocks” that your making, connect to Armed With Umbrellas?”
That’s the question my son asked me a few months back!
How can two separate ideas be joined into one cohesive understanding? Lets begin…
Armed with Umbrellas… it is the heart passion of mine to share with others, the “thought process” of doing life under God’s umbrella first and foremost. We are each also equipped with our own unique one as we journey forward and with that umbrella in place we are encouraged to invite others to walk with us. Why an umbrella? Well, that is explained in my Web page on my “Meet Becky” page www.Armedwithumbrellas.com. I encourage you to connect with the link to learn more about that if you feel so inclined! 😉
As we take hold of this idea (doing life under God’s umbrella) and begin to live it out we learn… and “re-learn” by experiencing life day by day…moment by moment! Some of those days proceed with easy-to-understand momentum and focus, and then there are other days where absolutely nothing seems to make much sense.
Choosing to “do life” under God’s Umbrella could have a million (well maybe not a million…) various meanings to each of us. However, trying to keep things simple and easy for even my brain to absorb, it is really about seeking a biblical understanding and perspective of Who God is!
That HAS TO BE the BEGINNING!! There are many folks with a much higher education than myself with theories, and ideas, and from their own perspective who can exclaim, pronounce, or even declare their understandings as absolute truth! We need to all be VERY CAREFUL of where we are getting those truths from!
Most of us have an idea of who God is, what He can “do” for us, Oh, and that He is all seeing and knowing of our actions and thoughts. There is some knowledge in each of us, even if we choose not to believe it or follow it.
But choosing to desire more understanding, no matter where you are right at this moment, is a first step! Now, I grew up with what I would consider a fairly solid understanding of God and religion- of which I am so very thankful for. As I maneuvered along this path of daily living, I felt a nudging and wondering of “is there more?”. Some friends of mine seemed to have a deeper understanding than myself. There were new-to-me phrases, and discussions where I felt “out of the loop”… I just didn’t know how to participate in those discussions but hadn’t given anything much thought either. As I began to wonder about learning more, a part of me felt very… dare I say “stupid, uneducated, confused, and behind!!!”. I felt like everyone knew more than I did, and not wanting to show my ignorance I pretty much kept quiet when I had questions.
Then, as time went on, I met more folks who actually invited questions and with whom I felt comfortable asking those very same “dumb” questions. They did not disregard my wonderings and pointed me in positive directions for answers. To those friends I am eternally thankful!
Oh and a very important understanding that I had to “take hold of” during this learning time was “God’s timing is perfect!” There were times when I would become frustrated with new understandings and feel like, “maybe I could have things differently if only I had known earlier! Again, “God’s timing IS perfect”! So, move forward from this point, and avoid the “what ifs”. Once more—just because this is THAT important, God’s timing is PERFECT! You cannot do what you do not know! It’s that simple too!
Sorry… I digress just a “wee bit. Back to: How does” doing life” under God’s umbrella relate to a “Rooted Rock’? I had to get to a point in my life where I DID choose to desire to “do life” under God’s umbrella. And that means understanding who I put my faith in, and why. There are many verses in the bible that talks about God being The Rock, but one I particularly like is, The Passion’s Translation, where King David is declaring his “thankfulness” at God’s rescuing him from his enemies. Psalms 81:2 Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet, my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer, my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me… (Emphasis added by me). I like the phrase “bedrock beneath my feet”…that would be the “roots” of the tree, and “my rock of rescue”. For me the reason Rooted Rocks even came into existence was that I needed the reminding of God’s rock solid ability to rescue me from my frustrations, and confusion while journeying through Covid’s maze of uncertainty! But truly every day when I see my “Rooted Rock” it’s a helpful reminder, that when my roots are on “The Rock” I am able to withstand anything that is “blown” my way! I am never alone on this journey and desiring to “do life” under God’s umbrella is the first step!!
So, there it is for those of you who wondered how Armed With Umbrellas could tie together with Rooted Rocks!
Are Ya rooted on The Rock??
Blessings all!